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♥ Bubbletown manics!!!

Bubbletown maniacs Anna, Kailing, Charmaine

Bubbletown maniacs from clockwise.
Anna, Kailing, Charmaine, Joan, Mellissa

Charmaine desparately playing on her old phone.

Kailing still says she isnt addicted!!! who believes?!

Bubbletown maniacs playing bubbletown at Northpoint KFC. We sat there for 2+h for eating and playing bubbletown. Not bad~~

♥ hello!!!
hi... long time never post

i have decided to post about once a month. Big decision though cos im not able to use the com often.

in april, the clique celebrated mell's f***day!

she's the oldest in our clique. HAPPY BELATED MANY DAYS BURFDAY MELL OLD WOMAN~!!!haha:D

anyways, she say wanna go watch movie. then i say go watch NC16 wan but that MATURE woman say" give me some challenge man! watch M18 wan lurh! " not bad sia... but you must wait till i 16 then i pei you ohkay?:)

charmainemo f***day coming liao. this month. i still remember in sec 1, i ask her when her burfday then she say dont tell me. then when i found out, she ask me to keep it as a secret. haha:D

this year, she cant escape from us... cos its on a school day(hint hint). purposely make her malu by singing burfday song for her loud loud.

i promised her last year that i will buy something for her this year. must start saving $$ liao.

hao bahh. next week got mock exam. shall be a good girl and go study for it.

next month 见~!;)


♥ hi im not dead! yet
its been a long long time since i posted.

lets start from jan:
-had competition.

-3rd in NZ

-common test
-motivational workshop

nothing much though.
this month, we didnt manage to go into the quarter-finals of the nationals. our opponents were strong, but some of us didnt play well though.

so now that my cca has stopped, im gonna concentrate on my studies.

upcoming events are:
-sports day(i have joined 4 events. 100m, 200m, 4x100m and triple jump)
-sports carnival
-NAPFA test

i must go gym soon to train my stamina for 2.4km run.

oh yes, the motivational workshop was fun and nice. the coaches were very good. i promise i will study hard.


♥ trainings!!!
hello. long time no post. hahax:D

a lot of things happened. my holiday is filled of fun! as if....

in Nov, I still got a rest day
(exclude weekends, eve of public holiday & public holiday) every week from training.

BUT in Dec, everyday(exclude weekends, eve of public holiday & public holiday again) is training day.

i horr, officially declare that i train until sian liao.

i took a week off (last week) to do my homework and rest and relax.

Tues- stayed at home to do homework.
Wed- go out to celebrate my brother's burfday.
Thurs- watched Bolt.
Fri- went for a picnic and cycling in the morning (burfday request from my brother)

so today i went back to training. then i injure my thumb again. haiz


♥ New Blogskin!!
Thanks to CelesteTanSiMin for helping me do da new blogskin.. haha~

Exams r coming in 3 days time..
gotta study hard n not disappoint my mama..
have to at least pass physics this time..

So.. Byes.. hope to c ya again..

Once again, thx Celeste:)


♥ Family day bazzar.. vry vry late in posting da fotos
celeste hard at work.. haha~
request frm mell to upload to my blog

STARRING: charmaine chu hao ee, me and bro(to charmaine: i gotcha a foto of u alr.. not i take wan.. i in the foto oso~)
melz, bernice, siqi, justina n yee peng wid my bro

nice pics.. did ya notice tat got my bro??

that small boy there in some fotos.. haha~

sianx.. PAWN school tday for eye check up.. nothing wrong alr but the red will take a while to go off.. hiyo.. haha~


♥ red eye dang~

gotcha from celeste blog.. hahaz

im sick.. Kainini is officially sore eyed!! im stuck at home wid sore eyes.. never mind la.. im still in da holiday mood so my holiday extended.. haha~ anyway, almost all the sec 3s vballers kena red eye except for wanni, jing yan and yin zhen.. haha~ so the rest of us form the red eye dang lorr..

♥ long time no post!! hahaz..

I know that i haven posted for a long time but i aint allowed to use com so much so muz bear wid it.. hahaz..

since my last post, lots of things happen..

1stly the nerd dang was formed.. due to mell's recommendation.. she started saying tat she look nerdy in her backpack and glasses cos tat day she had eye itchness.. hahaz.. then it was decided tat maine is laoda, pearl is laoer, celeste is laosan, mell is laosi, and me, yours truly, is laowu(sound lyk laohu,tiger)

then nothing much till these few days.. the vball gurls bought me a team bag wid them for my burfday presie.. then lots of ppl wished me happy burfday(an increase frm last yr).. i tink got 10 ppl wished me(last yr got 4).. then my father bought me a pair of vball shoes.. as burfday presie.. and i was able to go to NDP live tis yr.. a dream tat came true aft wishing for many yrs.. hahaz.. lyk last yr.. mell was the last to wish me happy burfday.. hahaz.. she say last then memorable mahh.. shit you la.. nonsensical stuff arent allowed in the nerd dang.. hahaz..

then tday the nerd dang bought me famous amous(wateva) cookies.. i haven eat yet.. instructions frm mell was not to eat.. cant eat if not memorable anymore.. hahaz..

thanks all of ya who wished me happy burfday.. special thanks to the vball gurls who bought such an expensive gift for me for my burfday.. special special thanks to the nerd dang..

♥ Double A Ron..

this is a photo of my guitar instructors.. from the left is teddy, jason and aaron.. i call aaron Double A Ron cos he look lyk ron in tis photo.. kinda start to miss ron tis fren.. mell cried when she saw Double A Ron in person.. then aft sch she wana see again then celeste pull her away cos she scared mell cry.. but mell promised tat she wld not but celeste said NO! haha.. funny!

got back results ytd.. not bad lahh.. though i fail 2 subjects.. hahax :D
got 15 in class and my L1R5 is 23.. better than mell who got higher position than me.. hahas

charmaineMO got 21 in class but L1R5 is 20.. can u imagine her class 1st the L1R5.. OMG!! muz be <10>

going to sydney tday so see ya 2 weeks later than.. BYES ppl!! have fun for crazy day for 3F'08 ppl.. hahas
